“Charlie Chaplin” – 1956

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Unless a large portion of his work has been lost to history, it appears that Hirshman only produced one piece in the 1950s. But what a piece it was – his 1956 re-creation of the creative genius of silent film, Charlie Chaplin. Like the artist Hirshman, this artiste of the screen created within a medium of sight and no sound. In this reverential ode to one of Hirshman’s heroes, the Little Tramp was brought to life (mostly in black and white, like his movies), with a scoop of  coal chunks falling up for hair, a cigar butt mustache and a flypaper cane complete with flies of Hirshman’s own creation. With the torso of a shoe, a reference to Chaplin’s distinctive walking waddle, and long stockings for legs, this was only the third whole-body piece Hirshman had made to date.